Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hello Friends and Family,
Things for us have been busy as usual, that never changes! Grant and I went to Washington, D.C., May 12 to the 16th and had a great time, I had never been there before. There were literally thousand of cops from every state and even Canadian Mounted Patrol. The candlelight vigil was moving and made me appreciate life so much more, things can change in the blink of an eye.We also went to the Capitol on Tuesday and heard Bush speak, he managed to only bumble once and the protestor was pretty funny on the loud speaker during his speech. On a positive note, Dave Holm was able to come home from the hospital and return daily to the hospital for dressing changes. There will be a benefit for him on Tuesday June 5th at the metrodome from 5-10pm. Please visit for more info.
The kids had gymnastics shows all weekend, the boys on Saturday and the girls on Sunday. Very cute! I am going to post the video to youtube when I find more time. Grant is doing great at work, no surprise there and I am continuing another year as PTA president since my co stepped down for a job in Chicago. I hope you all are doing well!